Stricter censorship; Japan will have its own 4kids soon.
American influence; After WWII took away samurai's bushido code and forced various American morals and ways onto Japan. Which has slightly changed things although for better or worse?
Change in diet; The Japanese diet is one of the healthiest diets in the world, tastes great and is simple to make. Burgers and Fried Chicken don't really compare.
Views on Appearance; Japanese people in Japan who believe that they are unattractive because they have traditional Japanese features. Surgery to make faces look more western, which is just sad. = (
Those things aside, I think it would be best for Japan to keep on being Japanese, I've never been to the country, and It’s not for me as a foreign person to tell them how to be, but for years I've been interested in Japan, since I was a young kid, although I discovered Japan through sushi and anime mostly Pokémon and spirited away.
As I've gotten older I've come to respect after learning more about the people and their ways although they are not perfect and they don’t claim to be or try to be; But I like that they're reserved, hard working, intelligent, quiet, interesting and they're respectful and proud of their country. I just wouldn't want to see their country turn into a westernised shadow of itself, and they have picked up some habits form America.
And also I want to go to Japan eventually (if I like it enough even live there) but a constant recurring fear is that as a foreigner from a western country who isn't rich or blond, that they might write me of as another foreigner or wapanese, and sometimes it's hard because I really respect them but they might not respect me, but I'll deal with that situation when it's time to deal with it.
Anyway I just would like to know what any of you think about what I'm saying. I would also like an answer from either a Japanese person or someone who lives/has lived in Japan, please thanks.
P.S I've always been a bit of an outsider since I've gone back and forth between the US and the UK.
P.P.S I'm learning the language.
P.P.P.S I don't hate America and Britain I like them they have a special qualities of their own and I'm sure there are some good things that the west have introduced to Japan. Nevertheless I'm really interested in Japan.
P.P.P.P.S I’m part Asian one of my great grandmother was pure Chinese.
Frankly speaking, I think you have a fantasy view of Japan.
The Meiji restoration of the late 1800s essentially got rid of the Samuari to begin with.
>>Change in diet; The Japanese diet is one of the healthiest diets in the world, tastes great and is simple to make. Burgers and Fried Chicken don't really compare.<<
Westernization or just the convenience of city life? Japan still has the highest lifespan of any other people's on earth. Don't like KFC? DON'T EAT IT! SIMPLE isn't it?
>>Views on Appearance; Japanese people in Japan who believe that they are unattractive because they have traditional Japanese features. Surgery to make faces look more western, which is just sad. = (<<
Without having ever been to Japan how can you come to that conclusion? Again the vast majority of Japanese people don't think this way. You might be thinking of a plastic surgery country like Korea...
>>>>Those things aside, I think it would be best for Japan to keep on being Japanese, I've never been to the country, and It’s not for me as a foreign person to tell them how to be, but for years I've been interested in Japan, since I was a young kid, although I discovered Japan through sushi and anime mostly Pokémon and spirited away.
As I've gotten older I've come to respect after learning more about the people and their ways although they are not perfect and they don’t claim to be or try to be; But I like that they're reserved, hard working, intelligent, quiet, interesting and they're respectful and proud of their country. I just wouldn't want to see their country turn into a westernised shadow of itself, and they have picked up some habits form America. <<<
THAT EXPLAINS IT! You have a fantasy view of what Japan really is.
Don't confuse modernization as Americanization. Japan has been modernizing itself since the Meiji Period, if it wasn't for the industrialization of the Meiji period, Japan wouldn't be the Japan you see today. It will still be some fantasy land with Samuari and Ninjias running about.
I think Japan is a modern nation keeping up with the times but uniquely keeping it Japanese. Japan has always adopted many things from many countries and turned it into it's own unique Japanese way.