I need to pay off my American credit card via transfer from my Japanese bank account via ATM, I think it costs like 2,500 yen, is it possible?
The cheapest, most reliable way to send money from Japan to another country (that I've found) is through Lloyd's. Set up an account with them for free. Transfer money to your Lloyd's account in Japan from your regular Japanese account at the ATM. They will then transfer that money to whatever financial institute you've got on record with them. You might be able to get them to send it directly to your credit card account, or you could just get them to send it to your bank account in the U.S., then send a cheque to your credit card company, or if you have online banking, do it that way.
You'll probably have a small transfer charge from your Japanese account. Then Lloyd's will charge you for the transfer to the U.S. (I can't remember how much it is, but it's cheaper than the other banks in Japan). Your receiving bank in the U.S. will also charge you for the transfer.
I think in total I was paying around $50 in transfer fees for each transaction.
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