Saturday, August 20, 2011

How to make japanese katana?


How would I go about making a Japanese katana? Also how would i make a replica of a sword from an anime? Because I really wanna make a replica of the sword Kurikara from the anime Ao No Exorcist or Blue exorcist.


Simple, you can't. You have to know what you're doing first. It's a great skill to do it right. And a good sword isn't made in 90 minutes.
Sorry, it's impossible. Like making your own car...

Is publishing a book while on a humanities visa in Japan legal?


I'm planning to publish a e-book at for additional income while I'm living in Japan on a humanities/international services visa. Writing isn't included in that visa, but the income is actually overseas income. Will I have any difficulties with immigration?


I think publishing just one time is not labor. So it's not going to be a problem.

Can you just visit a place for 6 months? Do you have to give like all kinds of special reasons and stuff?


How does that work?


Does this question have anything to do with Japan?

What's the highest radiation reading located more than 30 km from Fukushima Daichi nuclear plant you know of?


Please tell me from your locality (prefecture, town, etc) and answer my other questions.


20 millisieverts over three months at Iitate village, although this is probably a bit out of date now.…

They even recorded 3 millisieverts in the urine of the residents.…

Are people dying in japan from Fukushima and how bad is the radiation?


I don't hear anything reliable on the news anymore.


People aren't dying - yet, but the government admitted recently that more than ten times radiation emitted from Chernobyl had already been released by May. This is the worst atomic disaster in history, but still the government are trying to hide the details and avoid evacuating people from the danger zones. Japan does not have a free press and so people do not realize how bad the situation is.

What's the HIV/AIDS trend in Japan?



The trend is getting upward, but the rate is one of the lowest among highly developed countries in the world.
The following map shows the rate of HIV infection.…

Where to buy traditional dolls in Japan?


I'll be visiting Japan very soon, and I would like to know where I could get a ichimatsu doll. Kind of like this one in the picture. I'll be in Tokyo, so I would be very happy if anybody knows a shop of some kind that sell this kind of doll, and if you could tell me the everage cost, that would be nice, too.


This kind of dolls is called ichimatsu-ningyou 市松人形.
Lately, many of them are sold as art works, not toys.
So the price is about 40,000 yen.

I think you might be able to get cheaper one at souvenir shops, but just a guess.

Sorry, you've already know ichimatsu doll.
And the doll in your picture was made by 光龍斎 Koryusai, about 80 years ago.
If you want antique one, you will see them at this shop.
However it might be more expensive.


Is there an Adventures in Japanese 2 book online version?



Not a legal copy.

You may able to find one that someone posted but that's copyright infringement, no?

Japanese: What does "Oyoiyoi" mean?


This is where I got it from. Check it out!…


I can't here it clearly but it should be "kakegoe = cry"
We have such expressions as "ike ike" "sore sore" (go!/ come on!/ keep it up!)
In traditional Japanese folk songs, "sa yoi yoi" "sa dokkoisho" to make it easy to beat time.
Or, it could be another meaning of "kakegoe" which is calling out encouragement to people in a group, especially for troops.

If you are greeting a friend in Japan, would you both bow to each other?



No. Bowing is not used among friends. It's for formal relations.

Toyota Tour in Tokyo... How much does it cost?


And... can you recommend me a train or a busTo get there from Tokyo?


Do you mean this?…

I think that tour itself is free.
But it takes over 3 hours to get there by trains. You have to transfer several times.…

There seemed to be some bus tours of the plant from Tokyo, but seems to stop them right now.

If you just want to see a lot of Toyota cars, I recommend you to go to Amlux at Ikebukorok Tokyo.

For Japan people only...?


What's that red ribbon thingy, on the side (whoa, i'm washed) on the side of the coat with Japanese letters on the side?
please do tell, and thank you...


I'm not if I understood your question.
Do you mean "mizuhiki" 水引, like this page?水引




What year do you mean by past. They were like other people in Japan. Not so different.

What does a kiss mean in Japan?


Like in western countries like the Great Britain and the U.S.A, you might kiss someone on the cheek at the end of a date or something. Or you'd kiss the cheek of your friends. Do people casually kiss friends on the cheek in Japan? Do they hug as naturally as in western countries?

Thank you! :)


its something privately can hold hands with your love but nothing else.

i havent seen common things like hugging in japan that often...unless youre with your friends and you get so excited about something or so happy, thats the time when you usually hug in public. i wouldnt say its rare to see hugging...since teens do it...but not as much as the lovey-dovey kissing and hugging at the mall or anywhere with lots of people like in the western world. that would be embarassing. im mixed Jap and Viet so i was taught that way as well. my mom is like "if i see you hugging (hand behind his back. his arm over my shoulders) your boyfriend while walking around, youre in trouble. thats embarassing." she always criticizes the young couples that hug and kiss in public.

What is a good book that teaches you Japanese grammar/phrases (with English translation)?



I ordered my cousin "Japanese Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide" 2 weeks ago, she says it's really easy. It's good for beginners, check out the review for it. It says it includes basic phrases and pronunciations. Very straight forward and cheap!

Can you buy Korean drinks in Japan?


Namely the Sunny 10 Sparklingade.


Yes we can.

Where the second place japanese people live?


Does someone know.. where the second place most total japanese people live? I know..

1.Japan is First!

and if you know,can you tell the location & which road?


Stats from the government says:
by countries (Top 10):
USA 384,411
China 127,282
Australia 71,013
Brazil 59,627
UK 59,431
Canada 52,890
Thailand 45,805
Germany 36,960
France 30,947
South Korea 28,320

by cities (Top 10):
Los Angeles (the United States of America) 67,018
New York (the United States of America) 56,174
Shanghai (China) 48,255
Bangkok (Thailand) 33,152
London (the U.K.) 26,965
Sydney (Australia) 26,031
Singapore (Singapore) 23,297
Vancouver (Canada) 22,994
Hong Kong (China) 21,210
San Francisco (the United States of America) 16,599

Is early September a good time to take onsen in japan?


I will be in Tokyo this early September. The temperature will still be very hot. Is it a good idea to take onsen outside even it's 30 degree?


Onsen is good for the entire year. And you usually take onsen at night. So it's not going to be 30 degree.

Are there any mixed CDs made for roadtrips?


Like there is NOW for pop, and all the Best of ".." , is there a CD compilation of songs for a road trip? I am trying to avoid downloading them individually. Thanks!


just make your own. why buy. just get a mp3 player and download your song. cds are outdated and are hardly used now.

Has anyone had any problem when asking for a visa to japan being from europe?



Try finding your country on…

That should answer your question.

Has anyone had any problem when asking for a visa to japan?



I'm sure they have. It depends on your home country and reason for requesting a visa. If people weren't being turned down for visas there would be no reason for anyone to overstay their visa. And people DO overstay their visas.

If you want specifics you are going to have give your country of origin and details about why you need or want a visa.

How much does a two bedroom mansion cost in Tokyo?


Approximately, how much is a two bedroom mansion(マンション) in Tokyo for sale?

I know the prices can vary a lot depending on the neighborhoods. I would like to avoid the most expensive areas such as Meguro or Shinjuku. But I would like to live by Yamanote-line.
I'm not looking for any fancy, newest mansions, but nothing old, slum-like either.

What would be the price range for my criteria?


At least, 30,000,000 yen, I guess.
it depends on the nearest station, distance from the station, age of that building and so on.
Anyway I recommends you to decide the station, not the line.

Meaning of 見るんじゃなかった ?


a friend of mine, suddenly, wrote me

what's the meaning?


I saw something that I shouldn't have seen......
I regret seeing that