if so, which country would you support?
dokdo island isn't a recent conflict,
it's a conflict that has a lot of history and has been going on for a LONG time.
And it's not just a physical issue of a dispute over territory,
it's pretty much has become a symbol of the historical conflict between the two country.
Honestly, I doubt that there would be war over it.
It's very unrealistic for Coreans and Japanese people to continue to hate each other because of the past, especially when they see eye-to-eye on many other issues of today. They're letting the past poison their futures.
If they weren't so much competition and grudges against each other, they would make a great team.
Too bad both are too stubborn to let go.
I'm not going to say which nationality I am, but I had a friend from the other nationality tell me about the islands. It was really unnecessary of her to bring it up within our friendship. It was as if she was saying that I, personally, had something to do with it just because I was the other nationality. in the end, her other friend even said i was racist just because I got tired of how rude they were acting towards me, even though I was a good friend to them, and I broke off the friendship because they kept pushing about how my nationality is a problem, as if I was the one who caused everything of the past. how annoying. what do they want me to do? aplogize on behalf of my country? I, myself, may be from my country, but that' doesn't mean that I personally agree with everything that they did in the past.
Do all americans think it was right for slavery to happen?
Do all Germans think that the holocaust was ok?
Do you get my point?
What if someone who was jewish was friends with a german person kept talking to them about the holocaust, and blaming their german friend today of what happened? Or what if it was the opposite? It's unrealistic to bring up what happened in the past, when it is not something that the people of today were involved in. Someone needs to let it go and move on. Someone needs to start moving ahead, or we will continually be bringing up more problems that should'v ended long ago.
I'm not saying history has no significance. That isn't my intentions at all,
I'm saying that history is something to be learned from, not something to continually repeat in the present.
that being said, to answer you question, NO a war between corea and japan shouldn't happen.
It's not right to continually drag along the past with us.
In my eyes, someone needs to let it go in order to move on, whether that be Japan or Corea it doesn't matter. Someone just let it go and move forward.
If a war does happen I wouldn't support either of the countries.
Sometimes I wish that island will just sink or get destroyed by natural disasters (although I wish none of the people any harm)
Maybe then both countries will realize that it's not the island that they are fighting for, but it's just a symbol of their stubbornness in which they can't get over the past.
A lot of problems of the world today exist from the past. It's too bad that nobody learns from history.