I have the most basic questions, for 1O points, can someone please give me at least 1O questions i can ask about the Tsunami in Japan( 2011) please make the questions as unique as possible... much appreciated. Thank you, Alexa.
Man, 10 questions. Can you settle for four? That's all I willing to give you on this topic....
1- Did you die?
2- Kinda' bad other people did, huh?
3- Since I am asking senseless questions, does fish need a bicycle?
4- I sound like I am dumber than a sack of hammers, don't I?
With this series of questions you cover the past tense, the present progressive, you can introduce 'senseless' if you are an adept teacher, throw in an idiom such as "a fish needing a bicycle", make sure they know 'dumber', then you could progress to superlatives with being "the dumbest", make sure they know 'hammer' and if they can handle ALL of that, well, go to YouTube and check out Hammer Time.
Other than that, I think you should develop some sensitivity and not talk about things the Japanese people really don't want to talk about. Take your basic question, tie it on the back of an airborne rodent, and see how the sphincter muscles respond.
You are either a clueless English teacher or just plain clueless. But that is just my opinion. But go ahead. Dredge up some really sorrowful feelings about the sea rushing in and drowning thousands of people as a topic of conversation. Or you could go to New York, find someone who lost a close friend/relative/loved one when those towers went down, play like a news reporter, and say, "How did THAT feel?"
Why not just ask them how they would have felt to have seen this massive wall of water closing down on them, threatening their very life, and what they would have done?
Man, it really makes me want to ask my students those kind of questions. Really? I have 3 students I can talk about that stuff with. As far as I am concerned, you can take your 10 points and put them where the sun don't shine.
NOTE: Interesting. Some anal sphincter muscle comes on here, leaves a thumbs down, and offers no useful comment to the Asker. Good job ASM. Your thumbs down will keep me up tonight. Uh..... not. I may not have much of a life, but I can do more than just click thumbs down. I pass gas in your general direction. Now, go away or I will taunt you once again.
On another note, I like that movie with George Clooney where he says that someone is as dumb as a sack of hammers. Makes me laugh. Laughing now. ASM.