Thursday, October 27, 2011

How common is adultery in Japan especially of wives doing it?


It also seems to be in the news....whats the truth in it?


Research is interesting to look at however, anything related to sex, homosexual experiences, erotica, and any other sort of taboo/embarassing topic will ALWAYS have inaccuracies, because participants will lie.

Even if you get participants to believe that the survey is 100% confidential and that no information can be traced back to them, it can still be too much for people to admit that they have had affairs. You also have to make sure that your definition of "adultery" is clear, because people tend to rationalize to make themselves feel better.

To say what the "truth" is and to compare it to other countries (which would determine whether there is really something special going on in Japan or if the situation in Japan is just typical) is too difficult to measure.

You will also find that the news these days will publish anything that makes people read it. Things like facts, reliable and well-structured research, etc. are NOT really important to the media today so that makes it hard to know what to believe as well.

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