Friday, April 22, 2011

What is Japan like after everything?


What is Japan like since the earthquake and everything?


It is literally business as usual for everyone except those directly impacted because they were living or working within the affected areas of Fukushima, Miyagi, and Iwate.
Bella is living in a fantasy world where the half-truths the Western media reports is reality. The Japanese economy hasn't been good since 1989 and just like almost every country in the world when the economy went south a few years ago Japan suffered and just like every country in the world things have not returned to normal. The earthquake has impacted tourism which will not be good for the summer months economically speaking.
Japan is small but it's not like the Fukushima nuclear plants are the only plants supplying power to all of Japan. I am in northern Japan and after a month things are basically back to normal. There is no lack of food, there is no lack of power, there is no lack of hot or cold water, et cetera.
And no one is irradiated or in danger of being irradiated. The food, the water, and the air is all safe.

The only thing of remarkable difference in Japan is that Narita Airport is a lot less hectic and flights to Japan and hotels around Tokyo and the other tourist spots are a lot cheaper.

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