Monday, May 23, 2011

How influential is the Yakuza in current Japanese society and politics?


Thank you


As a non Japanese and not even living in Japan I suppose you can disregard my answer, but never the less here's my pennyworth

Some time ago, my wife opened a shop in a busy town. She had spent quite a bit of money and put the hours in to ensure its success.
The day prior to its opening a young, well dressed and well mannered Japanese gentleman paid her a visit. He informed her that the dues should be paid on time at the end of each month.
My wife in her naivety told him to leave immediately or she would call the police. The gentleman left, leaving behind his "Meishi" ( business card )
That afternoon she mentioned the incident to the adjoining shop owner. Soon afterwards she called the young gentleman to arrange payments.
This apparently is not a one off. this is a well oiled machine in action so does not surprise me in the least that after the Kobe disaster the Yakuza helped so many to get back on their feet. The loss of revenue must have hurt.
If you think that the Yakuza are a modern day Robin Hood, then please forget it.

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