Thursday, December 22, 2011

Why do so many yahoos view Afghanistan as an illegal war?


And even equate it to Iraq in terms of it being an illegitimate war?
A user name Dave is flat out calling the US occupiers, and he agrees with Joe Biden that the Taliban is not our enemy.

BQ: What percent of American voters still believe that 9/11 was an inside job? What percent of yahoos believe that?


Because they are liberal drones who are conditioned to give that response. Ask any one of them what proof they have that "Bush lied" about Iraq (different war, but same point), and they will do nothing but dance around the question. Anyone who believed that Bush lied about WMDs, and wasn't simply MISTAKEN because of bad intelligence reports is as bad as the 9/11 "truthers"...basically anti-American pieces of crap. Don't get me wrong, I am no Bush fan, but he didn't lie.

If you really, really, want to get technical, the last official declaration of war by Congress was on Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire and the other Axis Powers during World War II. Yet we don't complain about all the wars Democrats have got us involved in...they went as far as to cheer 0bama on when he got us involved in Libya.

To be liberal is by its very nature to be so blindly partisan that you must turn yourself into a liar and a hypocrite just to defend your viewpoint. Almost EVERYTHING they hated Bush for, they either praise 0bama for, or give him a pass. As a true non-partisan conservative (I usually side with the lesser-of-two-evil Republicans, but not always), I did not like Bush or 0bama...but 0bama is just a hyper-progressive Bush on steroids, in my opinion.

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