Monday, October 10, 2011

How come the japs stopped building planes after ww2?


I think they do have the capability to build planes, dont they? prior to ww2, there were zeros yeah? and the zeros are fighters.

But after ww2, the japs stopped building any planes, and imported all their fighter jets from united states (i.e. Lockheed Martin), and commercial jets from either Boeing or Airbus.

They do have some technology? no? panasonic and sony built a bunch of useless consumer electronics that are pure low tech, and the toyota nissan misubishi heavy all became car manufacturers...


They were banned from that industry after the Second World War, because the americans couldn't stand the pressure. There was a captive consumer market, so to speak. Japan was told what it could and could not do, produce, buy, sell and write, yes, even the written language was changed, with GHQ telling the Japanese which Chinese characters they could or could not use. Knowing how duplicitous the Japanese are though, it was probably a good thing. I remember in the 1970s, Japanese car makers telling the world not to worry, that they would never go into the luxury car market. I remember how a whole government ministry, MITI, was set up by the Japanese, to effectively bar imports from the Japanese market. Identical products, even down to the packaging were produced for the Japanese with just one letter of the brand changed, so that it would not contravene patent laws and Trade Marks. Japan made it's way in the industrial world by copying everything, from cameras, and cars to food products and electronics. You name it and the Japanese have copied it. There was even a female Japanese legislator, who defended it by asserting that, copying was a form of inventiveness and creativity.

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