I keep hearing the song over and over in different media but I don't know the name of it! Please
Someone list all the songs you know so I can have a chance of finding it :)
I have no intention to challenge people posted above, but songs like Akatombo and Yuyake koyake are not "traditional" songs, strictly speaking.
They are children's songs composed after the Meiji Restoration (1867) when new school system for children was initiated. There are hundreds of beautiful songs composed by famous songwriters for school children. They have been sung and loved by the Japanese for over 10 decades since then. If you call them "traditional," yes, they are traditional. I like most of them.
青い眼の人形 / 里の秋 / みかんの花咲く丘 / 青い眼の人形 / 里の秋 / みかんの花咲く丘 / 七つの子 / 赤とんぼ / 証城寺の狸ばやし / 七つの子 / 赤とんぼ / 証城寺の狸ばやし / お猿のかごや / 月の砂漠 / 待ちぼうけ, etc.
You don't need to read them; just copy and paste each of them on Youtube. You can listen.
But in strict sense (from my view), traditional Japanese songs are Minyo handed down from generation to generation for a few hundred years by local people in many regions all over Japan. They are traditional folk music about local people and nature of their respective regions arranged and re-arranged by many generations.
江差追分 / ソーラン節 / 津軽じょんがら節 / 大漁唄い込み / さんさ時雨 / 南部牛追唄 / 上夜曲 / 秋田音頭 / ドンパン節 / 真室川音頭 / 最上川舟唄 / 花笠/ 会津磐梯山 /
磯節 / 八木節 / 草津節 / お江戸日本橋 / 大島節 / だんちょね節 / 武田節 / 木曽節 /
佐渡おけさ / 米山甚句 / 三階節 / 越中おわら節 / こきりこ節 / 越中麦屋節 /
森本めでた / 山中節 / 三国節 / ノーエ節 / ちゃっきり節 / 岡崎五万石 / 桑名の殿様 / 伊勢音頭 / 竹田の子守唄 / デカンショ節 / 串本節 / 貝殻節 / 安来節 / 関の五本松 / 敦盛さん / 男なら / 南蛮音頭 / 金毘羅舟々 / よさこい節 / 黒田節 / 炭坑節 / おてもやん / 竹田の子守唄 / 宇目の唄げんか / コツコツ節 / ひえつき節 / 刈干切唄 / 鹿児島おはら節 / 鹿児島ハンヤ節 / 串木野さのさ / 谷茶前 / 安里屋ユンタ /
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