Sunday, April 24, 2011

Japan history question can anyone please help?


Were samurai good for Japan in general, or do you
think they just made things worse?
Why is feudalism such a bad system for society?
Why do you think Japan wanted an emperor with no
real power?
How was the Heian period good for Japan? How was it
not good?


1. Completely debatable, this really has no correct answer as it's an opinion.
2.While it isn't inhertently bad, you tend to be stuck in whatever position you were born into. Because there is very little class mobility, those who are born a farmer or born a samurai tended to stay that way, regardless of ability.
3. The Shogunate wished for an Emperor with no real power, but many others didn't. Take for example World War 2. At the end of it one of Japan's main conditions they aimed for in the surrendering terms was keeping the Emperor, and the vast majority worshiped him as a god. Though now it's a position without real power, akin to England's monarchy.
4. The only thing I know about the Heian period is that it's renown for it's literary and cultural development, so beyond that I'm unsure.

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