Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Why are the Japanese not having much sex?


I was reading that the average amount of times a married couple in Japan has sex annually is 37, the lowest in the world by far. Then, Japan has a huge porn industry, so it's not like they all have no sex drive or anything as there's a big market for it. Also, I understand that there is a lot of career pressure in Japan, but pressure from careers is precisely the point often used to explain why women are having more sex nowadays, since they are generally more career focused, so if anything that would make one assume the Japanese would have more. Does anyone who has been to/studied Japan know anything more about this?


A lot of people who are married share an apartment/living quarters with their parents and there isn't any privacy.
The rooms are divided with a paper thin material. Also, they have a lot of pressure too in their careers..to go to work early and stay late.
It's easier ( and doesn't take as long) to go view some porn than it is to have a romantic evening with your wife...especially since there really isn't any place to be alone.

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