Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Do you think it would be better to rebuild the damaged Japanese north-eastern towns a bit further from the sea?


I was thinking about this. Why would someone return to these towns and build houses again? Will anyone will be able to sleep or live in that town again because of the memories. Don't you think they will become kind of haunted. I'm sorry this might sound weird or cold but wouldn't it be like that? If everyone decides to live there again, don't you think it would be better to move away from the sea?


I listened to a Japanese expert on sea defences, He said and I quote " We got it wrong, we have to think again " He also added that the sea defences were adequate for any tsunami that was caused by an earthquake less than a magnitude of 7.9. 8.0. He said that another added 6 ft and the sea defences would have done the job in Fukushima. Rather than saying this is what we must do, he said we have to think of moving villagers further in land.
Well, he's the expert, but the more you think about it the more you think what a monumental job this would be. Can you imagine trying to move families ( whats left of them ) that have toiled their fields for generations. Can you imagine the fertile land recovering and all they can do is watch from afar. It wouldn't be long before they once again inhabited this land.
Something must be done that's for sure but before it is, these experts have to sit down and consider everything to prevent such a tragedy happening again.
The next quote should be " We got it right "

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