Watashi wa okane ga arimasen kara: Disneyland e ikimasen.
Watashi wa okane ga arimasen ga: Jidou Koen e ikimasu
I was hoping in english it would mean like this:
I don't have any money,that is why i didn't go to Disneyland
I don't have any money but I can still go to the Childrens Playgrounds for free :(
That is how I hope the words are expressed.
I'm still a beginner in the japanese language.
If you think there is a bit better way for expressing the words more accurate.
Watashi wa okane ga arimasen ga:___________________.(Fill in the blanks) :)
'Disney land e ikimasen' refers to the present tense, say 'ikimasen deshita' for past tense,
'Koen' means park in general, but not specifically a children's playground (but it can mean that too).
'Jidou' refers to automatic, free of control by something, literally (from kanji) 'self-moving'
'Muryou' means free of charge.
watashi wa okane ga arimasen ga: muryou de koen e ikemasu
'ikemasu' means 'can go' instead of 'ikimasu' ('go')
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