Saturday, April 30, 2011

Japanese honorifics for family?


I know that when your talking to family members you would usually address them with -chan. ie. kaachan, nichan etc.
But if you were telling someone "I have two sisters" or "I live with my Dad" Would you use -san, -chan or neither.
Also, when you saying a list of family members, ie, "I live with my parents and my brother." What form of 'and' would you use?


1. No, you don't. The use of -chan is really not as common as anime makes it seem. -San is much more.
2. Neither because you don't use honorifics when referring to your family, only when speaking directly to them. Therefore, oneesan becomes ane, oniisan becomes anime, otousan becomes chichi, okaasan becomes haha.
3. To.

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