Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How do i convince my family that Japan is safe?


Recently i got a teaching position on Shikoku island Japan. However i havent told my family yet because they are going to be upset about the recent earthquakes. How do i convince them that everything will be fine. I dont think telling the that im outside the radiation area is going to be enough of an excuse.

any advice would help


Life is full of risks, whatever you do. You could stay home, and get hit by a bus tomorrow. Risk is not reason to keep yourself locked up in a box, doing safe things.

That said, going to Japan -- especially Shikoku -- isn't that risky in the grand scheme of things. The radiation is not a problem there, and they do have typhoons and earthquakes, but they've had them for thousands of years. They know what to do, and you'll probably be safe.

Even with this recent disaster -- which was one of the most horrible, destructive, powerful disasters in the last 1000 years -- very few English teachers died.

Do you think some facts would help? Take a look at the earthquakes on the United States Geological Survey http://earthquake.usgs.gov/ If you zoom into Shikoku on the world map, you'll see that there weren't any earthquakes there in the last week (as of this writing).

Also, the ministry of education takes readings of the radiation, which you can find in English here: http://www.mext.go.jp/english/incident/1…

And finally, you can find what's going on in Japan by looking at any of the English-language newspapers' websites. I've been using the Daily Yomiuri. http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy/

Hope that helps. (-: If not, shake some sense into them!

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