Sunday, September 4, 2011

How come cars in Japan are right-drive?



Japan follows the British system of "cars drive on the left side of the road".

"in the 1850's Gunboat diplomacy forced the Japanese to open their ports to the British and Sir Rutherford Alcock, who was Queen Victoria's man in the Japanese court, persuaded them to adopt the keep left rule."

So just as in the US where you drive on the right, and the driver's seat is on the left for maximum visibility when making a left turn, most cars in Japan have the wheel on the right. Funny thing is, many foreign made cars in Japan (US, German, etc) keep the wheel on the left for a "status symbol" of hey, i'm so cool. I drive a foreign car. But of course, now prestige is accorded to Lexus & Acura cars as well....

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