Thursday, September 15, 2011

Question about working in Japan?


Hello everybody.

I want to go to study to Japan and I have the possibility to do this.
But I need to know how is it with finding a job - I mean, is there something different when a foreigner searches for a job? Do they treat the foreigners in a different way?

I hope it won't be hard for me to find a job.


First, it's somewhat difficult for everyone to find a job with this economy. If you're competing with a Japanese applicant you had better be able to do something the Japanese applicant can not do or your application is going to the bottom of the pile.

Second, you need a college degree in order to get a visa. You have to get a job offer to get a visa. Which takes you back to the bad news in #1.

Third, if there is any difference in how foreign job applications are handled, it is simply a repeat of #1, that being that the Japanese applicant goes first unless you have a special skill they want.

Some people like teaching English. Others think it is about as interesting as watching paint dry. Most students don't stick with it. It's kinda' a hobby that when they find out it is difficult, and will take a lot of time and money, they quit. Kids, on the other hand, generally quit when they reach junior high school and join clubs. For some kids the purpose of studying English while young was just to have a leg up on their fellow students when English classes started in junior high. All this doesn't bother some people, as they are in it for the money. Others want more of a purpose, and this often bothers them.

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