Thursday, November 24, 2011

What's the best law grad-school in Japan?



If you meant "best", Tokyo (U) Law School would be the one and the hardest.
But gathering opinions of foreigners who went to national universities in Japan, "close -minded" would be the word to describe them. The one who went to Tokyo U (not law) once said "I felt like they brainwashed me. I didn't like it."

And Nagoya U..., gives me an impression like "by-place" Like my Japanese male friend (from Tokyo) rather went to Hokkaido U (to study law)
BUT, contrary to "domestic" impression, I've heard that Nagoya U is highly-praised ABROAD. The fact "the university is ranked in No.3, having Nobel Prize winners (No.1: Tokyo U, No.2: Kyoto U.)" may prove it.
----------- Here you go:
"Nagoya Law School is considered as one of top Law schools in Japan, as it was ranked 10th in the passing rate of Japanese Bar Examination in 2010." (Graduate school Rankings)…

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