Friday, April 8, 2011

What advice should I give my friend?


Hi, my friend has a ticket to a concert in Japan however, after watching several concert dvds of the rock artist whose concert she wants to attend, she suddenly felt nervous and was telling me how she could imagine herself in that crowd (in video) and being an odd man out because one, she is a gaijin, two, because of the language barrier which, she said, might prevent her from being "one" with the crowd of Japanese fangirls, three, she will be alone (I cannot join her due to circumstances). Aside from that, she will also go to the venue alone and spend a night there alone too. I wanted to tell her to go for it because we both know this is her last and only chance. On the other hand, I do understand her fears...

what advice should I tell her? To push through or not?


I wouldn't worry about any of the things you mentioned. If she really likes the band then why not go? 1) You don't stand around talking to people at concerts. And with a little pre-planning, she shouldn't have any problems getting to the venue and back to the hotel.
2) Who cares about being odd man out? She's not that special. She might get a few glances, but overall people could care less.

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