Thursday, June 30, 2011

ANIME: How can I NOT be a weeaboo?


First things first. I DON'T THINK I AM A WEEABOO. I love Anime and stuff. Well right now I am ONLY watching Naruto. Just one anime and I don't even read manga much. I have some of the openings on my ipod. I love asian food, and I want to learn the Japanese language. But I get called a weeaboo because of it? I don't want to learn the language for anime purposes. I just love the language and I rather learn that instead of french or spanish. When I visit Japan one day, I think its important and respectful to have some knowledge and know the basics of a language when you go visit that country. I have an interest in it and I don't see anything wrong with that. I don't completely understand this whole weeaboo thing and how to NOT be one...I don't think its fair that I cant love and respect my own culture and another culture as well without being called a weeaboo... :[


You shouldn't care about what other people call you. Just live life as you want to.
It's admirable that you have such a strong passion for Japanese culture and that shouldn't be taken as a negative thing. Obviously those people calling you a weeaboo are narrow-minded and have not had the amazing experience of exploring into other cultures, different from their own.

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