Saturday, July 2, 2011

Question about pronunciation and counters?


I know the following pronunciations:
So first place = だいいちい
second = だいにい
third = だいさんい

But I'm not sure about the following:
for fourth place, I'm not sure if it's よい or よんい?
is 7th place なない or しちい?
9th place きゅうい or くい?

Regarding the situations above, are both pronunciations used, or is there one that's more prevalent than the other?

How is the case for other counters, like 個、枚、本?
Can someone list those up to 10?

Is there a website anyone would recommend that goes into detail about counters?

I know I'm asking a lot of questions, but I would really like to clear this up.
Thanks in advance.


I'll choose these:
4th よんい
7th なない
9th きゅうい

Couters might be really difficult for non-native.
I'm sure why. There are a lot of transformations and excepts.

Ex. Books 冊
Pen、carrot 本

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