Friday, September 9, 2011

What is the name of the drink in this commercial?


An office lady is drinking something on a balcony while another worker talks to her, then she takes a sip and shouts the name of the beverage, and the other office guy gets wet. I can't remember the name of the drink though and it's bugging me?


It's a chu-hi ad. Very funny. Ha ha. Just a barrel of laughs. Ha ha. Can't stop laughing. Ha ha.

Ha ha. You think that is funny, you should see some of the shows. They will hit each other on the head with big plastic hammers that go 'beep' when they hit you. Very funny. One young girl has big eye brows and acts very silly. Very funny. Ha ha.

American only has Robin Williams, Chris Rock, Dave Chapelle, Katt Williams, Richard Pryor, George Carlin and other bad comics such as them. Ha ha.

You want to see funny? Watch a couple of Japanese policemen confront a really drunk salaryman on a train platform and watch the police get shoved around by the drunk. The police don't know whether to piss or go blind. I think they are just waiting for the drunk to realize he is breaking the law, change his behavior, apologize and go home. And watch funny stuff on TV. Ha ha.

@ Giogio..... actually meant nothing directly at you. I just don't find Japanese television to be funny, at least in the 'ha ha' way of thinking. You were just in the line of fire. I get my fill of Japanese TV just visiting the in-laws house and having my wife turn the garbage on here and there. And the comedy has to be the worst part of it. If you want to laugh, watch this.....…

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