Friday, September 9, 2011

Where can i get a degree to move to Japan?


I live in the UK and know all about the working visa's and all that.
What I want to know is where can I get a degree? Can I get it at College or University?
Could i get one at college? (Because to go to university here in UK it costs a f**k load of money).
Thanks :)


Usually only universities give out degrees, but some colleges do too. A bachelor degree (the first degree you would get at university) usually takes 4 years to complete, but sometimes there are 3 year courses. University might not be as expensive as you think, particularly when you think of the benefits of having a degree.

What are you going to do in the meantime anyway? Work? Where's the fun in that if a few years later everyone's got a degree and can go to Japan anytime they want, meanwhile you're on the chain gang?

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