Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Where should I look/who should I ask when looking for obscure manga?


I'm looking for some manga by the mangaka Kyousuke Motomi, some of her more obscure work, and I have no idea where to even begin looking, since googling them turns up almost nothing. I'm looking for anything from translated to raw form. (I'm just searching for the art, not the words.) Where should I look/ who should I ask?
I guess what I am trying to say is: is there a place online that I can find someone who can do my sleuthing for me (or make it easier for me to do it), and more specifically in this area of manga? I suck at looking for things on the internet and it would be nice to get some help.
Also I'm just looking for the scans. I have all the titles of her work so sites like manga updates wont help me much.
(So you don't have to ask the works I'm looking for are: Hetakuso Cupid (which is found in a now defunct magazine) one of the stories in Bitter II (that's all I know about this manga, is it's name, I can't find a list of the stories in it), and Mikkai Coffee Flavor (which is found in the manga Mitsuai Celeb, which has a few other stories in it by other mangaka).
Thanks a ton!
P.S. I realize this is asking a lot, so even just a lead on getting a lead would be nice. :)


I think you have to google it on Japanese Google. But what I got from googling is,

Many of his manga are sold here.

You can use this kind of service to forward it to your country if you do not live in Japan.

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