Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sack breakfast Miso soup?


I have to be at work at 6AM, so I have my breakfast on my first break at work at 8:30am. I've been wanting to eat healthier and find portable breakfast to be few and far between.

So I was wondering if theres a healthy, filling Miso soup recipe I would be able to make the night before and would still be good the next morning. i do have access to refrigerators and microwaves.

Thank you!


Nothing beats a good healthy bowl of Miso soup. You could try the instant variety, which aren't too bad and are now widely available at Supermarkets and Asian Supermarkets, but I prefer the real thing freshly made. In Japan, we usually make the soup in the morning and bring it to work in a Thermos, which keeps the soup hot until you are ready to eat it.

Here is my favourite Miso Soup Recipe

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