Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Very ignorant on the Japan issue with radiation can someone help me please?


hi so right now i'm just going to put it out their i'm not educated on this whole issue of Japan at all but i know Japan isn't dreadfully covered all the way in radiation i mean i think its still safe to go to Japan. I believe it is but can someone explain and help me understand the radiation leakage in Japan right now and why so many people are leaving ? and does the radiation effect all of Japan? like Tokyo, Hokkaido, Kyoto or is it safe to live in these places without effects? i'm sorry i'm just really confused and i like to know about it.


There's about a 30 km exclusion zone around the reactor site. Readings vary, but some are very high. However, outside that zone the measurements drop off, some would say to an insignificant level. Food products from surrounding prefectures have been banned from sale.

Tokyo seems to be basically safe at the moment, though if one of those reactors really blew, and the wind was headed toward Tokyo, it could get bad quickly. But the prevailing winds of that area are exactly opposite of what would be required.

Want to visit Japan and not worry about it? Go to Osaka. Big city like Tokyo, more traditional and is near Kyoto and Nara for further sightseeing.

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