Saturday, June 25, 2011

If I walk around in the busy city of Shibuya, how likely is it that people will steal something from me?


If I walk around in the busy city of Shibuya, how likely is it that people will steal something from me?

I know that Shibuya is a busy city with thousands of people around me, but I've also heard that the people there are genuinely nice.

What are do's and don'ts when I'm walking in Shibuya?

What happens if I drop my wallet in a busy area? Like a crossing?



If you lost your wallet full of money inside, the vast majority of the time, you will get your wallet back, WITH your money and credit cards still inside. That's Japan for you.
Go to the nearest police box (Koban) where you last remember having it.

"Do's and don'ts" uh, pretty much the same thing anywhere, don't act like a complete fool.

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