Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Translate to English please?


yahoo! 知恵袋は、参加者同士で楽しく知恵や知識を教えあい分かち合える知識検索サービスです


Uhm, actually google translate did a fairly good job in this case IMHO if that hasn't been fixed by a human. It usually spits out sort of retarded nonsense English sentences that have no relevance to the original sentences. I mean the most of its outputs are jiberish and silly. But, regarding this one, at least we can conceive what that trys to get across. And it's MOSTLY correct, which is good as per the standard of google translate. But it's far from being perfect in reality actually. Bad.
So how would i translate that sentence of yours perfectly correc? well the original Japanese is kind of vague, but it would be something like "yahoo chiebukuro is a knowledge search engine where people exchange their wisdom and knowledge with a friendly manner." It basically says Yahoo chiebukuro's a knowledge community.

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