Saturday, June 18, 2011

What are some bugs in Japan?


I would like to know the common bugs in Japan and how often they appear in your home.


A lot of it depends where in Japan you live, northern, southern, urban or rural. Two of the most common bugs have been mentioned, the mosquito "Ka" (which is out with a vengeance as the rainy season has begun) and the ubiquitous cockroach "Gokiburi."

We might get a gokiburi once or twice a year in our house they seem to come out of the storm drains around where I live and slip in through a door or window. On occasion I've seen them come up through the drains at work but haven't witnessed that at home yet, thank goodness. The more common gokiburi are the large cockroaches, I haven't seen much of the tinier variety. The ka come in when a door or window is left open for too long.

Another common bug that is seasonal but is synonymous with Japan in the summer is the cicada "Semi." If you ever watch a Japanese production that is trying to set the mood for a hot summer day you will hear the semi in the background. I've never had one of these in my house but they have flown into the outside of the house on occasion.

One other bug that is not so common but it is quite popular and hunted during the summer months is the rhino beetle (kabuto mushi). It is pretty popular around where I live and on summer nights kids will scour the trees with flashlights trying to capture them. Like the semi I've seen them outside but never in the house.

The only other bug I remember seeing inside is the occasional stray ant or a moth.

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