Friday, August 26, 2011

Why is the stuff in Japan so expensive in general?


Is their currency less put out to the public than in the u.s? Is it because they have a higher demand on their products and jobs aren't paid well there? I swear, the weirdest **** is created in that tiny little country. And still they managed to drown themselves. I need answers!! :) thanks.


Natural resources are scarce in Japan, which means importing said resources. No getting around the need for oil, or minerals or lots of things used in the manufacturing process. Having to import something means increased costs.

With housing, land is at a premium. Everybody wants/needs some but there isn't a lot of it. So it's expensive.

The exchange rate thing has already been explained to you.

On a related topic, I swear, the weirdest ****ing questions seem to come from people living outside of Japan.

Some people need answers, some need help and then there are those poor souls who need both.

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