Friday, November 25, 2011

How can i win a trip to japan?


i really want to go visit, but i don't have the money for it and nor do my parents. :c
i'm trying to save up money, but my expenses would be soooo high! it would be unrealistic, even.

are there any ways i can win a trip to japan? i see some sites that offer that but were from last year.

preferably with a guide that will help me, but anything is good! >.<


Japan is planning to give away about 100 free plane tickets next year (basically the "We're Not Radioactive" tour). From what I've heard about it thus far, all airfare is free, but you pay for accomodations yourself. And there's no guide - they give you the tickets on the condition that you blog or otherwise document your trip (with pictures) to be posted on the Internet for all to see.

But none of that is finalized yet - they could change a lot of that by next spring, so just keep watching for more news.

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