Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Why is there all this talk of ww2 with China?


Why don't we just let the Japanese run loose on China like in WW2 and maybe Germany can finally get passed Putingrad. Yes Putingrad, Russia will join China. And why not let Israel loose on Iran?


Hopefully this is just a 'crank em up' type question. You probably mean WW3. We already did the other one. lol First off, China has no interest in military conquest. Why should they? Wal-mart is handing them the wealth of the West on a silver platter. The bulk of western manufacturing has transitioned to China already. So what would they have to gain? Japan isn't interested either. Hey, I've got a news flash for you, they economically conquered the Orient decades ago. It was 'made in Japan', now it's made in china. Germany isn't interested in expansion. There are no European fanatics like Napoleon, Hitler or Caesar around today to hypnotize the European people into military conquest. They are too busy building their Eurozone empire. Good luck. If they are ever able to unite, well, then they might get the expansionist itch. And China is not the least bit interested in joining forces with Russia. Russia couldn't handle a decent brand of Communism. It took Mao and Chinese ingenuity to develop today's hybrid Communism. For them, joining Russia would be a huge liability. Now your last scenario is a scary possibility. That area is a powder keg ready to go off. As nuclear capability proliferates there are enough nuts in that part of the world for one of them to start something. After all nothing stirs the soul like a good jihad. Right. Well with that kind of thinking that's where the next trouble will come from. It's Biblical too!

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