Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Will 3500AUD be enough for 3 weeks in japan dec 2011?


I'm leaving for japan in a few days (osaka, Kyoto, Okayama to meet up with my friend who has been teaching english there for a year & tokyo)

i have booked and paid in advance for my accommodation in osaka (5days) & kyoto (2 days), i won't be paying for accom in okayama (10 days - making day trips occasionally to other areas with friend) we'll be back in osaka for 3 days (which we have yet to book) then on to tokyo for three days (pre-booked pay for accomm on arrival)

i don't have JR pass and plan to use a kansai thru pass for my time in the kansai area - and will just pay the ticket price for travel from osaka to tokyo when it comes to it, my departure flight is from narita airport.

i'll be shopping but nothing ott (clothes, trinkets etc) and will most likely eat combini breakfasts & lunches & moderate dinners (except for when i'm staying at my friends place, as we'll most likely cook meals some days, i can't imagine spending loads in okayama(tsuyama more specifically)

any advice would be greatly appreciated!


It's about 280,000 yen. I think it's more than enough for 3 weeks if you don't need to pay for accommodation.

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