I want to hear from native Japanese with HONEST answers please.
Stereotypes of Chinese and Koreans that are typically (and honestly) held by young Japanese people today:
* generally inferior and backward compared to Japanese
* love to parade in anti-Japan protests every year
* prone to commit crimes (esp. theft)
* poor
* still under heavy government censorship, thus clueless
* suffering from human rights abuse by the communist regime
* fenqing kids protesting online
* economic refugees
* foreign students on a tight budget
* ill-mannered (rude, rowdy, etc.)
* money-mongering
* copycat
* but Taiwanese (excluding post-war mainlanders) are cool and just as civilized as Japanese
* generally inferior and backward compared to Japanese
* love to parade in anti-Japan protests every year
* prone to commit crimes (esp. rape, arson)
* North still under crazy communist rule, South fresh out of military dictatorship several years ago
* VANK kids protesting online
* extremely proud of their nation, often to the extent of vanity
* irascible, short-tempered
* slant eyes, humongous head, square face, 9cm dick
* copycat
* claim every world-renowned Japanese traditions originate in Korea
* claim the ancestors of the Japanese people (esp. the ruling class, most notably the emperor) are Korean.
* claim world-renowned Japanese people are actually ethnic Korean (such baseball and soccer payers).
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