Friday, July 15, 2011

Is it true that Japanese think rice pudding is disgusting?


and that some Japanese eat crabs alive? let me tell you just in case that i'm not a troll and i don't mean to offend anybody. i don't consider my questions offensive but the reactions in y!a have surprised me many times many times. back to the question: i read this in an ethnic cuisine article and i'm really surprised about the first one since rice is a basic food to Japanese cuisine and not only since it is used for many stuff in Japan like cosmetics etc


It's not crabs. It's a species of lobster that is indigenous to northern Japan (Hokkaido) and the cuisine is called, Ikizukuri. They slice the lobster in half (usually width-wise) and you eat the tail sections. In some cases, the chef dissects the inners and you consume the pierces. Not as gross as you think; people in the US use to swallow live goldfish, and you eat raw oysters, right?

There may be some Japanese who do not like rice pudding, but "some people" does not equal "all people". Rice is a staple and it is used both as main course and dessert. Read about the various types of mochi. There are even rice drinks, and ice "cream" made with rice. So rice dessert of any kind is not something that would disgust a Japanese.

However, there are many recipes of rice pudding all over Asia. The one you get in the US is not the only kind. For example, in Thailand they have their own recipe using black rice and coconut cream. In China, they make it with raisins or longans without cream, egg or milk like that in the US.

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