Friday, July 15, 2011

Should I Move away or stay?


I am in a position. I will be recieving a clinical psychology degree and I want to be able to use it here in the US. My fiance' is a japanese businessman and is doing well overseas. He wants me to move there and be with him. I want to but I know that since I am American and only speak english, my degree will be of no use there and I would end up a housewife essentially. Sigh. I love this man and I want to be with him but I don't want to give up my career as well. I want him to move here but his business is already flourishing there and honestly the money will be more significant if he stay there and I go live with him. But what about my dreams? Did I study this long to not even use the degree? He says he'll hire me as the company's psychologist and pay me more but what he doesn't realize is that I have to jump through a million hoops to get certified to practice there, and on top of that learn the language and culture. It seems like the easy choice is to just go there but I also don't want to give up my US citizenship. Ahh! pulling my hair out! Any suggestions?


Without knowing native level Japanese and taking tests in Japanese, you can't be a psychologist in Japan. Another issue is you're not Japanese. Few Japanese would go to a non- Japanese psychologist. Most Japanese only feel comfortable talking to other Japanese. You have nothing in common with them.
You wouldn't have to give up your American citizenship if you move there. It would take you years to get Japanese citizenship anyway. It's not automatic. I know of a Japanese woman who married a Korean man who was born there, and he didn't have Japanese citizenship.
You don't have much choice, it's either love or a career.

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