Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Are there any ways to get into Japan for culinary arts?


I'm attending the Art institute of Pittsburgh for culinary arts but I'm only going for my associates but its my last year already and I'm thinking about changing to my bachelors. I really love the program here and the chefs, the culinary program here is amazing. But my dream for a very long time now is to go to Japan and study their cuisine. I find it hard to believe that my school doesn't have a study abroad program for culinary arts in Japan yet they have one for every other country, it doesn't make sense to me. I found this one program called the "Jet Programme" but that's for teaching English in Japan. Also in their FAQs it says they advise people with student loans to not do this program. Which kinda opts me out considering the fact that going for my bachelors at this school will cost me about $100,000!! The money really scares me and even though this is what I really want, the fact that I can't find any study abroad programs for culinary arts in Japan is worrying me.

I don't want to have to pay even more money just to get into Japan =\. Also the fact that graduating with a bachelors degree and having $100,000 in debt while still doing the Jet Programme means I'll have to add on about another $45,000 maybe even 50-60,000 to attend another college in Japan. I guess I'm just really scared because of all this money that I'll have to pay back, but I mean that's a lot of money! lol. Also there's lots of bad rumors going around about my college, they were already sued for 11 billion dollars because they are stealing money from students and lying to them about their future and major. It worries me that I might get screwed over by my school, and something bad will happen. My chefs are highly encouraging me to go forward with this dream of mine, they tell me all the time when i talk about it, that they can see it in my eyes... lol. It is something that I want really bad, but are there any other ways to get into Japan for culinary arts? Is it really worth it for all this money? I understand that if I do go through with this I could get an amazing job from all of it, but what happens if it doesn't work out? I don't want to make a stupid decision and ruin my life, and I can't talk to any advisers here at my college about it, they'll just lie to me so they can take more money from me (they're all very rude anyways!). Any advice would be very helpful!


If money is your main concern, Japan is probably the worst of all your possible choices of studying abroad. Getting there and living there is very expensive. And, considering the language barriers, your lack of experience and other factors, most likely not worth it.

You should first pay your debt and become and professional chef in your country, and save a lot of money, then you'll be on a better position to follow your dream.

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