Monday, September 5, 2011

Okay, exchange student to Japan?


Okay, a few years ago, I got the chance to go to a Japan. I was going to go to a boarding school and get all this stuff done to make this happen. But then. . . I decided not to go. I have no idea why. I'm now a Junior, and I am looking back and wondering, WHY THE HELL I WOULD JUST PUT SOMETHING LIKE THAT INTO THE TRASH! I was wondering, if there are any programs that will allow a group of teenagers to go into Japan for a month. Or a few weeks. And at least go to a school and learn they're culture and stuff. That would be pretty cool. Its a pretty weird thing to ask. But I dont care about the money, nor the time into it. I just wanna know if there are any programs that offer that. Please... if you know, anwser. And Its really late at night, so, forgive me.


YFU and Rotary both have exchange programs that would allow you to go there anywhere from a semester to a year. But you would be taking time out of school. It doesn't usually delay your graduation but you would have to talk to your school counselor about it. I went through YFU for a summer exchange and will vouch for their program. Usually they place you with a host family and you get to go to high school there.

But no, there is nothing that just takes a group of students around for fun.

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