Friday, November 11, 2011

How much money should i bring if i go to Tokyo Japan for 1 week or 2?


will i need like 1 million dollars just to go there for one week or how much do i need to bring to go to the beautiful city


Theoretically you don't need to bring any money at all since you can use your debit/credit cards in many places to make withdrawals.
That said, you will need Japanese yen almost immediately after arrival in Japan.
Therefore, I suggest to exchange enough money in your hometown to have 30,000 yen upon arrival.
How much you will actually need depends on how long you stay, where you stay, if you pay for accommodation in advance or when you get there, what kinds and how many souvenirs you will buy, what type of food and which restaurants you eat at etc. etc.

So, in a nutshell, no one here can give you an accurate amount.

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