Sunday, April 17, 2011

What opportunities are available for Americans who wish to go to Japan?


A friend and I are both Seniors in High School, and are graduating in about a month. We have both been learning Japanese and wish to travel and get jobs there for a little while.

Basically, as said, we want to go to Japan, get jobs, maybe school there, get a place, and live there for about a year or so.

I know that because of the recent events in Japan (earthquake, tsunami, etc) that the economy is not strong at all therefor getting a job might be hard, but I would like to try for it anyways.

What types of opportunities are available for my friend and I who wish to either get jobs, internships, and what not, to be able to get a place, enough money do have fun with, and enjoy our time in Japan?

Best and most correct answer gets 10Pts.

Thank you.


You need a degree to get a job in Japan. You also need to have a skill a Japanese doesn't have. If they can do the job, they will always be hired first.
Japan has been in a recession for many years. The recent events have made things even worse. Gas is over $7 a gallon there !

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