Thursday, June 23, 2011

Why the japan group AKB 48 only has 47 members?


Lately I just got a AKB 48 poster and I counted the members and realised that there are only 47 girls in this group instead of 48 members. Why is that so? Any reasons?


"48" didn't mean number of members.
They actually have more members and these numbers are not fixed. Some girls often in and out.
They usually have 60 - 70 girls, including some backup members and apprentice.

Why "48" ?
In their live theater in Akihabara district (AKB), they used to have 3 stages in one day.
16 girls performed for each stages. I'm not sure if they still have live performances like this.
That's the reason they named their team AKB 48.

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