You know the little Shinto shrines you see on the streets of Japan. Do people pray at them? If they do, then how do they do it? Offerings, bow, clap? What is the process?
- Do Japanese Pray at Roadside Shrines
Yes. Some do, some don't.
- What is the process
The process can vary by location. A typical the ritual is:
Wash hands and mouth (not always possible at a roadside shrine).
Bow twice to say hello to the Kami(s).
Clap twice to get the Kami's attention.
If you have brought an offering or incense, present it now.
Bow once more to thank the Kami for listening.
Say either a formal norito or an individual prayer.
Clap twice to announce that you are finished.
Bow once again to show respect.
If the offering was a food offering, remove the offering and then you can eat the food.
Exception: If you are fox-feeding, then you leave the food offering.
However, there can be variations by region, by village, and by shrine. A lot is traditional to a location or a family.
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