Sunday, September 25, 2011

Just curious: what college major would *require one to study abroad in Japan? (points) please & thank you : )?


What majors in college would require (ok, maybe not require but would make sense for) you to go to japan? I have this friend who already graduated high school two years ago and is currently studying abroad in Japan. I thought she was an English (or literature or journalism) major, but I’m not so sure anymore. I cant really think of a reason why she would be in Japan FOR her schooling it’s something in an English department. Like, I guess it would make perfect sense if she was majoring in that foreign language or was doing something political maybe.
my questions are;
- could she major in something English related and study abroad over there? I cant imagine how it would help.
- What majors COULD she have that give her a legit excuse? I know you can study abroad wherever your little heart desires and she doesn’t NEED a reason to be there but I recall her telling me there was an academic reason.
She knows little to no Japanese so it left me a little surprised b/c I could of sworn she was an English major. . . -___-

I’m just curious. Thanks guys!!

and yeah, I could ask her but I wont talk to her for a month maybe :b


At my college, NC State, International Studies majors are required to study abroad. However, there are programs for any major that can facilitate a study abroad opportunity. All you have to do is talk to a study abroad advisor for the region you want to visit and they can help set you up with the right program and right courses to take while over there. Also, usually the tuition stays the same, you just have to pay for the traveling fees; plus usual room/board, meal and pocket money fees as you would normally.

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