Saturday, September 10, 2011

Which people do u thinks has the more attractive appearance, japan or korea?


hi i'm interested in these guys, the above two countries.

who do u thinks has the more attractive appearance with their people?

actually both of their woman has the beautiful appearance.

but just wanna make sure bout ur general opinion with them.

i heard koreans has the taller height, but japanese has the style good.

my question is

who the country has the more attractive appearance with their man and woman?



*facepalm* First off, questions like these don't belong in Travel Japan. Put this in Polls and Surveys. Second, what kind of question is this? A person's looks differ from another's regardless of what race they are. @Danny, can you really say good looking Koreans only look good because of plastic surgery? Hell, some are even too poor to afford that kind of thing.
@jahon, do you expect to get non bias answers? With if a Japanese person answered this question? Which would you think they'd choose? Japanese, why? Because they're Japanese. Same thing goes for a Korean person. America has the stereotype of having a majority of fat people. So does that mean that British people look better? But to answer your question regardless of it's naivety , I would say both. Now that's a non biased answer.

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