Sunday, November 27, 2011

Do Japanese people use other silverware besides Chopsticks?


I'm doing a project on a certain place for school and I chose Japan. I thought I'd do a small part on my presentation on the different types of silverware the Japanese used (Forks, knives, etc.) because I thought people would be curious about that, but I'm not finding anything!
So, do you guys have any info on the subject? How often these utensils are used and what not?


In Japan, we mostly use chopsticks but also use knives, forks and spoons when at home or in a restaurant. The type of food we eat will determine what we use to eat it with. For example, most western style dishes will be eaten with a knife, fork and/or spoon. We also use a Chinese spoon called a "renge" when eating chahan (fried rice) ramen and nabe (hot pots).

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