Saturday, April 23, 2011

Which is more worth? A Japanese citizenship or a EU citizenship?


I have a Japanese passport (citizenship) now, and I have a chance to obtain a EU passport. I've been living in the EU for a very long time, and it makes sense to do this, however if I do, I will lose my Japanese citizenship (my parents are both Japanese). So I am in two minds about it...

Can anyone give me some advice?


Depends on (i) which environment you are more comfortably in, and (ii) which region you would like to end up in. For instance,

a. If your palate is more tuned to Japanese food, you would most likely want to end up in Japan later in your life; and
b. If you do not feel being rejected by the societies in Europe and if you find it hard to adapt to Japanese culture, then go for an EU passport.

I remember a successful British barrister once telling me that he has never felt being accepted or included in the British society because he is of Irish descent. (My point is: I am under the impression that there is deep-rooted ethnic prejudice in each of European societies.)

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