Monday, June 20, 2011

What does 贈る mean exactly?


Does it mean "to give as a gift?" And does it have a romantic tone to it? I saw it under the word ring as in "to give a ring."

Also, how does 外す differ from 脱ぐ in meaning? Both seem to mean to "take off (clothing, something worn) ?" And is とる only used with non-living things when it means to take off? たとえ、「ふたをとる」。


>Does it mean "to give as a gift?"

>And does it have a romantic tone to it?
Not really, except in the sense that the act of giving gift sometimes has romantic tone to it.

>Also, how does 外す differ from 脱ぐ in meaning? Both seem to mean to "take off (clothing, something worn) ?"
脱ぐis used for things that cover a part of your body, such as clothes and shoes, while 外す is used for other items such as belts and rings.

>And is とる only used with non-living things when it means to take off? たとえ、「ふたをとる」。
If you use とる with living things - for example 魚をとる, it would be understood to mean "catch" instead of "take off".

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