Sunday, July 3, 2011

Can a small local cafe sponsor my visa in Japan with a full time position.?


I have an instructor visa that ends in August. I heard it's not difficult to change the visa type if you can find work that can sponsor it.

A cafe has offered me a job as a waiter and event organizer. It's only one shop with 4 people working there but they said they can give me a full time position but they have no idea what they need to do to sponsor my visa.

What does the cafe owner need to do (and what do I need to do) in order to make sure I can extend my visa?


""The fact that I speak Japanese quite fluently and that I am probably more interconnected to the local community of the neighborhood than any native probably doesn't make a difference huh. What if I got a petition with 1000 names haha. I could do that in 3 days, I swear! ""


So you speak Japanese "quite fluently" and you are interconnected and can get 1000 names on a petition, and the BEST YOU CAN DO is get a job as an English teacher or waiter at a 5 person cafe? SERIOUSLY. If that is the case you are doing something seriously wrong man.

None of those 1,000 people you can get to sign your petition, none of them work for a "real" company that can hire you to use your "quite fluent" Japanese skills? Seriously

You don't have to teach English for the rest of your life, but you seriously can't find anything better then a full time waiter job at a cafe with all your connections and skills?

If you are truly who you say you are, then you shouldn't really have a problem finding a job with the connections and skills you claim you have and get a sponsor at some company.


Well too dang bad man. Just grind a few more years until you do get married or get permanent residency then you can do whatever you want. That's what most foreigners do, and you ain't going to get anything special. Also you're preaching to the choir here, Immigration will be no different, some sob story about contributing to the local community and wanting to someday own your own business isn't going to fly with them. As mentioned by the other person, Japan doesn't have a visa status for the job you want to do in the first place, simple jobs like that don't have a status. So get a job that can keep you in Japan now, save your money, then work out your dream later, the faster you realize that, the better you are, otherwise pack up your bags now and prepare to leave.

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